Promise me you'll always remember: You're braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. Christopher Robin

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Back To PICU

First off, Blake’s numbers got really bad yesterday (Friday) so they did some more tests and found that he now has a Rhino Virus, (the same virus that his roommate the other day had???) his lung is collapsed, and he is having a really hard time breathing. So, they decided that it was back to the PICU for Blake. It will be more of the same as the other times. Ventilator/CPAP help for breathing and trying to give him stuff to get rid of the virus. It also sounds like they will be sending Becky home with a ventilator for Blake and he will be using it when he sleeps. I do not have the slightest idea of when they will be going home. It is supposed to be a linear process. Sick-PICU-On the Floor-Check-out of hospital-Go home… He is making a circle from PICU to the floor. Poor guy shouldn’t have to go through this.

Dad was feeling pretty bad because he thought he may have gotten Blake sick. He was feeling something in his throat and his eyes have been burning like crazy. He saw a Dr. and they said that it was allergies and acid reflux. He has never really had allergies in Nevada, but I guess that he has never spent three weeks in SLC either
Blake seems to be doing OK I guess. They put him back onto the floor and said that he was ready to go home. Before they can take him home they will need to receive training on how to use the breathing machine that Blake will use at night. They will also have to have that equipment in place at their home in Ely. Mom said maybe Wed. would be the day that they go home. Who really knows.

I think they were going to be doing some training today on the ventilator machine. He seemed to be doing pretty well yesterday though. Here are some pics that dad sent from today. He looks to be pretty happy.

What a cute happy little Boy.

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